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ARCHIVE: Category Archive for: Signage ROI

The Economic Value of On-Premise Signage

Signs are a fundamental mechanism for announcing your business to the world, attracting new customers, and setting expectations about your brand, your products, and your service. Over the years, businesses just like yours have tried and tested a variety of signage strategies and tactics, and have generally settled on those that work best. This Infographic details some of the most effective ways that business owners use and improve their signage to help their businesses grow. (Click Infographic to see full image)   Although signs are shown to be effective at generating new business, the majority of companies have only one or two signs. Larger companies, however, are likely to have three or more signs. Perhaps this is one of they

9 Green Signage Tips You Can Use to Wow your Clients

When it comes to maintaining or upgrading business signage, one thing many business owners often fail to realize is that “going green” can be a great way to get better signage for less money. Retrofitting your existing signage to accept new, cooler-burning LEDs is just one example of how reworking an old sign can improve a sign’s appearance, effectiveness, and cost. Download the white paper to learn more about how you can upgrade your business sign for cost savings and environmental benefits.

Today’s Signage Quiz (Number 3 in a Series)

How much do you really know about signs and signage? Avid readers of this Metro Sign and Awning blog are probably near-experts in signs and signage, with a detailed understanding of signage technology and an encyclopedic knowledge of signage history. To see how much you know, here’s a quick quiz based on previous posts in this blog. How many answers can you get right? All the answers should be known to you, provided you’ve been reading this blog: Question 1: How many ways can you easily calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) of your signage: a) In comparison with other advertising expenditures. b) In comparison with any other expenditure – a purely financial calculation. c) In comparison with your competitors’

Another Way To Improve Signage ROI – Add Quality and Features!

Any business is inherently interested in knowing the return on investment (ROI) for the important actions it’s considering, because doing those calculations not only makes it easier to choose among different strategies, but also helps identify which of several possible actions should be prioritized and which ones are better delayed. With signage, you can do two varieties of ROI calculations: ROI in comparison with other advertising expenditures Pure financial ROI in comparison with any type of expenditures If you haven’t already, by the way, you can check out your signage ROI with our unique Business Sign R.O.I. Calculator. Either way, you’ll find that the cost of signage is relatively small compared to all the other expenditures you are making to

Improving Retail Signage

Retail sales depend greatly on giving prospective customers a clear idea of what you’re selling, and then making it fast and easy for them to get what they want, when they want it. That’s why retail stores often live (or die) on the quality of their signage. Whether you are running a “Mom and Pop” sandwich shop or coordinating brand and local signage for a regional chain, here are some simple suggestions to help you open a new store, or improve the signage in any retail operation: Keep Your Signs Looking New In most retail situations, nothing turns off potential customers more quickly and permanently than the feeling your store is old, out of date, or dirty. Your signage serves

Getting More From the Business Sign ROI Calculator

Signs cost money. So before you commit your business to getting a new or updated sign, it’s natural and prudent to ask whether the expenditure will be a worthwhile one. Fortunately, you can get the answer from our unique and exclusive Business Sign R.O.I. Calculator. But like any computerized tool, the answer you get out of it is only as accurate as the information you put into it. To make the Calculator easier and faster for most business owners and managers to use, we’ve built it with some generic information already in place. These data include a generic estimate of the costs involved – including the necessary Permits and approvals, average figures for electricity usage and costs, the typical traffic

ROI Payback From Your Mobile Signage – Put Your Vehicle Wraps to Work

We’re all used to seeing cars and trucks – not just on the road, but in magazine and newspaper advertising and on TV commercials – with their plain-wrap “native”paint jobs. So it’s no surprise when any vehicle wrapped with vivid graphics and text advertising stands out and gets attention. The American Trucking Association, for example, claims that 90% of the people it has surveyed actively notice advertising wraps on vehicles they see, and 80% of them remember the products advertised on those vehicle wraps. That’s one of the big reasons wrapping your business vehicle(s) can produce very gratifying returns on your investment (ROI). Another reason is that advertising-wrapped vehicles regularly collect 600 to 1,000 impressions for each mile they travel.

Metro Sign and Awning in 2014: Creating Signs to Bring Our Customers’ Message to the Public

Metro Sign and Awning recently added two new talented members to our Project Management Team: Adam Brodeur and Tom Rogers. Adam comes to Metro with a strong background in the service industry, having previously supported a customer service team with great success. We like Adam’s unswerving attention to detail, along with his ability to ‘get the job done.’ With Adam on board, we further increase our confidence that our customers will receive the extremely high level of support we insist on from our Sales Team. Tom comes to Metro Sign with several years’ experience in various aspects of the signage industry.  Having worked in project management at both Sunshine Sign and Viewpoint Sign, Tom is already highly knowledgeable in both

Financial Return on a Signage Investment – Advertising Analysis

In an effort to clarify some of the complexities that often accompany deciding whether and when to buy new (or upgrade existing) signage, Metro Sign and Awning has now developed what we think of as an important new tool: The Return On Sign Investment Calculator. This innovative, computerized system lets you specify some of the variables involved in your next signage decision, helps you nail down other variables, and then instantly provides two different views as to whether or not spending that money on new or upgraded signage makes good business sense. One of those views is a straightforward “Advertising Analysis.” This perspective is both valuable and rare. It allows you to compare the cost of new or upgraded signage

How Much Does a Sign Cost? Return on Sign Investment Calculator Has the Answer

That big sign outside your door – it’s more than just a nameplate for your business. It’s even more than a landmark for local citizens giving directions, or an iconic image of your business. It’s an investment – pure and simple. And like all investments, it produces a return … a return that smart business owners and managers naturally want to be able to quantify. Until now, however, calculating the return on signage investments was rarely attempted, and difficult to complete. That’s no longer true. As of right now, calculating the return on your signage investment has become a piece of cake. That’s because we’ve built and made publicly available our proprietary Return on Signage Investment Calculator at To

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